Residential Single Phase Service - Canada
200A, Mast, Copper Conductors, #00 Bare Neutral
Material Check List
Part Number
200 Amp Mast Head
Mast Rack
Mast Flange
Mast Strap
Lag Bolts for mast strap
Mast Clamp with through-bolt and nut
4” x 4” Washer for through-bolt
2” Mast Reducer
2“ Close Nipple (between reducer and meter hub)
8 Foot Mast
10 foot Mast
Roofing Tar
Blank Cover (cover through-bolt hole into building)
#6 X 1¼" Wood Screws (attach blank cover to wall)
2” x 2“ Washer (through-bolt in building)
1¼“ Screws (secure flange to roof)
200 Amp Overhead Meter Socket
2” Meter Socket Hub
Back Board (behind meter socket)
1” screws (attach back-board to wall)
2” Screws (attach meter to wall through back-board)
Washers (for 2" screws)
1¼" EMT (between meter socket and panel)
1¼" EMT Water Tight Connectors
1¼" EMT Set Screw Connector
1¼" EMT Water Tight Couplings
1¼" EMT Straps
Screws (attach straps)
1¼" LB (entry into building)
1¼" Nylon Bushing (inside meter socket)
Silicone Sealant (seal penetration into building)
1¼” Rigid Coupling (extend conduit inside building)
1¼” Nipple (extend conduit inside building)
1¼” Locknuts (for nipple)
Panel with 200 Amp Main Breaker
Plywood backing for Panel
Vapor barrier (behind plywood for panel)
1½” Screws (attach plywood to wall)
Concrete Anchors (attach plywood to wall)
¾" Screws (secure panel to plywood)
Sealing Tape for vapor barrier
Service Wiring
#00 Copper RW90 Black
#00 Bare Copper
Sealing Material (seal inside conduit entering building)
Wire Lube
#6 Bare Copper
Ground Clamps for Incoming Water Line (if metal)
Ground Plate (if not using water line)
2 Ground Rods if not using water line
Ground Clamps for Ground Rods
1¼" Ground Bushing (connector inside panel)
#6 AWG Bare Copper
Ground Clamps (gas, water, sewer)
Cable Connector (ground/bond wire entering panel)
Cable Ties (securing ground to water line)
Range Breaker
Dryer Breaker
Air Conditioner Breaker
Kitchen Counter Plug 2 Pole Breaker
Kitchen Counter Plug 20 amp Breaker
AFCI breaker (bedroom plugs)
Panel Wiring
½ " NMD connectors
¾ " NMD connector for range cable
4” Junction Boxes (extending wires)
4” Junction Box covers
14/2 NMD (extending wires)
14/3 NMD (extending wires)
10/3 NMD (extending dryer wires)
8/3 NMD (extending range wires)
Old Wiring
GFI Blank Front (ungrounded circuits)
Handy Box for GFI
Cover for GFI
Plastic Connectors (knob & tube entering a box)
©2011 Sandraft Sales Corp
Last Modified: August 21, 2011